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«  Май 2014  »
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    Главная » 2014 » Май » 14 » Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ*
    Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ*
    Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ*
    Opera Developer - браузер Opera, обновляемый каждые две недели, включает все новые усовершенствования Opera. Идите в ногу с прогрессом и оцените все новые способности. Программка позволяет на лету отключать и включать графику, также может повытрепываться фирменной технологией масштабирования веб-страниц, благодаря которой юзеры браузера фактически никогда не лицезреют горизонтальной прокрутки. Браузер Opera разработан, чтоб очень удовлетворить ваши потребности – будь то действенная работа, достойные внимания утехи либо самовыражение.

    As the summer continues, our offices have the best airconditioners in Norway and Poland, so our developers have been in them, working to bring you Opera 17 Developer stream. This stream is our bleeding edge development; features will be piloted, and may be shelved, taken back to the drawing board, or taken forward to the Opera Next stream - feature complete, but potentially buggy. Once the bugs have been ironed out, the features are released as stable, and once every few weeks the streams are all refreshed. You can follow all three if you want, but please note that you shouldn't entrust valuable data to anything other than the released stable stream.

    So, what's new in Opera 17 Developer?
    Amongst the others, we have prioritized some of the things you have been asking for.
    Start up mode option - yes, more options! You can pick one of: last session, speed dial, set of pages
    Pinned tabs - a nice beginning of future tabs improvements.
    Rocker gestures - (left->right click, right->left click)
    Extension APIs - more API stuff to play with: bookmarks, commands, omnibox, webNavigation. Separated article with detailed API's explanation will be shipped later.

    Search engine manager - On top of the current shortcuts to search in the addressbar, (enter the one character shortcut plus your shortcut: "b" for Bing, "g" for гугл) you can now customize your searches, so go ahead and add "d" for duckduckgo, "m" for your own site, "o" for Opera desktop team blog, or anything else!

    Год выпуска: 2013
    ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
    Язык интерфейса: Ml / Черный
    Лечущее средство: Не требуется
    Размер: 35.75 Mb

    Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ*

    Скачать Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ* c Letitbit

    Скачать Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ* c DepositFiles

    Скачать Opera 17.0.1246.0 DEV Portable *PortableAppZ* c Vip-File

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